Samsung One Hand Operation+ is updated with 4 new features


The Samsung Good Lock suite contains several modules capable of significantly improving the user experience of Samsung Galaxy smartphones and among these one of the best known is undoubtedly One Hand Operation+. For the uninitiated, OHO+ allows you to set a series of additional gestures that significantly simplify smartphone control with one hand, thanks to the ability to perform many actions with a long swipe, angled in the right direction or in many other ways .

During the last few hours the application of is updated to the version 6.1.21which introduces 4 more news designed to offer a greater number of customization options. These fall within the general novelty Smart Select which in turn is declined in the 4 already mentioned variants, namely Animation, Oval, Pin and Rectangle. The features are designed to allow you to quickly take screenshots of different sizes and shapes, to take a specific area of ​​the screen (up to 15 seconds) and to stare at a part of the screen, all using simple gestures.


Rectangle and Oval for example, allow you to call up a shape tool respectively rectangular or oval (it can also be modified in proportions) in order to use it as space to delimit the part of the screen that you want to capture with a screenshot. Animation on the other hand, takes care of always offering a window to capture content, but in this case one will be generated 15 second clip of highlighted area.

Finally we find Pin which also in this case allows you to select an area of ​​the display and fix it in a predefined space, so that it is always accessible. The new version of One Hand Operation+ should be also available on play store through the link placed just below.

  • One Hand Operation+ | android | Google Play Store, Free
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