Five cybersecurity recommendations to avoid bank fraud

Five cybersecurity recommendations to avoid bank fraud
Users have many tools to take care of their bank fraud data.

Computer security is an issue that concerns many actors, from banks, government entities, to users. The latter have in their hands many tools to take care of their money and information amid the growth of technological tools for payments and the increase in cases of cyberattacks.

According to figures from asobancaria in Colombia70% of the claims of bank fraud in digital channels are concentrated in attacks derived from techniques of phishing either smishingwhich are phishing tactics to confuse users into giving up their login details and thereby steal money.

Many of the means they use to achieve this objective are fake text messages on cell phones and emails that go to infected links or pages that emulate the official one.

That is why there are several recommendations to avoid falling into these bank frauds, which put users’ money at risk.

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update devices

Currently, most banks offer an application to carry out procedures virtually, preventing users from going to the branches, saving time and making everything easier. While this is helpful, it is an opportunity for cybercriminals.

One way to avoid this is to keep the mobile operating system updated, either Android either iOS. This will allow the phone to have all the recent security patches and, from the technical point of view, the support to face attacks. The same must be done with each of the applications, since the developers are constantly correcting bugs and vulnerabilities.

Users have many tools to take care of their bank fraud data.

Users have many tools to take care of their bank fraud data.

Use the security offered by the bank

Each entity has its way of working and its tools for people to use. In some cases, banks provide a token as a two-step authentication method, this can be through the cell phone or a physical device that generates it manually.

Other options include double authentication text messaging, QR codes, security apps, and biometric options. The better these tools are used, the less chance of being attacked.

Be careful with the social networks

One of the methods that cybercriminals use to find out user passwords is through social networks. People usually put all their personal information there and that helps them guess passwords and users, such as birthdays, pet names, documents, etc.

Likewise, the attackers create false applications, such as video games or social networks, where people put their data believing that it is something trustworthy and what they do is deliver the information without realizing it.

Users have many tools to take care of their bank fraud data.

Users have many tools to take care of their bank fraud data.

Avoid public networks

The free Wi-Fi is for emergencies. These types of networks are an open door for cybercriminals and using them should be restricted to specific cases, but never to do banking procedures.

The problem with these networks is that the information passes through open servers and the attackers have methods to take the data that transits there.

Information is never shared

Just as no one would be given the password at an ATM, the password for access to banking portals or applications should never be shared. Restrict yourself from sending access credentials through social networks, writing them on paper, saving them in emails or giving them to someone you don’t trust.

You have to be careful with fake sites that pretend to be a bank page. To access them you must always do it from a browser, write the web address directly and never enter if you received a link by SMS or email.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.