These are all the games you can play for free in the Microsoft Store without having to download them

these are all the games you can play for free.png
these are all the games you can play for free.png

Microsoft Store free games without downloads

If you consider yourself an inveterate video game fan and kill your free hours playing a little game, you should know that Microsoft has put into circulation a series of games that can be enjoyed totally free and without the need to download them through your app store. If you want to know how to access this new function that the North American company has implemented, we advise you to continue reading.


Surely you have ever heard of the existence of Internet games that can be played without having to download them and that take up space on your hard drive. This is the case of some websites that contain free online games and with just one click you can play them to start spending hours and hours.

In this context, Microsoft has added a recent update in Microsoft Store to access some of their games instantly in order to try them out. Later, you have the possibility of downloading them if you liked the experience. This is a kind of preview of the game that appears as soon as you open the application, within the store page, which you can taste to get an idea of ​​its content. The steps to follow are very simple and you will be entertained for a long time.

Play in Microsoft Store without downloading

Until now, Microsoft distributed its applications and games assigned to a technical sheet through its official store, offering its description, some screenshots and the occasional video. They are useful so that you can get a first impression, but not enough to download them.

But now, many of those games have the function of «Arcade game» and you will identify them easily thanks to the fact that they have implemented an orange button with the text Now playing. When you activate this option, it will start loading the game in a pop-up window and, depending on your connection, it will run more or less quickly.

Microsoft Store play games without downloading

In general, most of these games are very basic and have a very simple theme, so forget about trying renowned titles, such as Minecraft or Roblox. Among these titles, you can find several related to puzzles and strategy, such as Amazing Jewels, Amazing Bubble Breaker or 2020 Connectwhich are usually casual, classic and low-performance games.

How to access instant games

These games are not easily found within the Microsoft Store platform, so we are going to guide you so that you can find them without much complication. The two main options for accessing Windows 11 games are:

  • Explore the Games section and click on any of them to start it, if it has the corresponding button. To save time and not have to go in and out of the game, you can check this function by simply hovering the mouse pointer over the game image and a transition will appear informing you if it can be played or not.
  • In the second case, go back to the Games section within the Microsoft Store application and scroll down to reach the “Collections” section. Once there, you should see a collection called “Play free games without downloads.” Click and you will get the list of all the instant games that you can enjoy on the platform without having to download them.


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Expert tech and gaming writer, blending computer science expertise