Telegram defines new legal representative in Brazil; Moraes determined the appointment of those responsible

 Telegram defines new legal representative in Brazil;  Moraes determined the appointment of those responsible
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Update (05/26/2023) – by DT

The Telegram messaging app has appointed new lawyers in Europe to represent the company in lawsuits and inquiries that are currently being processed by the Federal Supreme Court (STF). The old bank that defended the social network stopped seeing her two weeks ago.

According to information from CNN Brasil, the messenger asked the STF to qualify lawyers Marcel Leonardi, Fernanda Simplicio Maia, Guilherme Viana and Guilherme Nunes Lima as his legal representatives in Europe.

Telegram asked to qualification of your new lawyers “so that they can monitor the progress of the case and adopt the appropriate measures” in the processes in which he participates in the Europeian courts. The company was without a legal representative.

The professionals chosen by the app work at the Leonardi Advogados office, based in São Paulo. This Friday (26), the minister of the stfAlexandre de Moraes, determined that Telegram appoint a new legal representative in Europe.

Original text (05/26/2023)

Telegram must appoint a new representative in Europe or it will be suspended, determines Moraes

The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, determined this Friday (26) that the messaging app telegram appoint a new legal representative in Europe. The lawyer who provided services to the company stopped seeing her two weeks ago.

In the decision, Moraes gave a period of 24 hours for the nomination to be made. If Telegram does not comment, its services may be suspended in Europe for an initial period of 48 hours and the company may also have to pay a daily fine of R$500,000.

As pointed out by the g1 portal, the determination took place within the scope of the investigation opened in the court that investigates the directors and managers of the messaging application and Google for an “abusive campaign against the Fake News Bill”.

Alexandre de Moraes reported in the decision that The Federal Police heard from lawyer Alan Campos Elias Thomaz, who until then responded for Telegram in Europe, but the professional reported that his office no longer provides services to the app since May 14.

“Nevertheless, after the initiation of this investigation, Alan Campos Elias Thomaz informed that ‘the declarant, as well as the Campos Thomaz e Meirelles Advogados office, including all its partners and lawyers, no longer provide legal advice to TELEGRAM in Europe, since 14 /05/23’. Effectively, the lawyer presented several petitions informing the resignation of the powers previously conferred on him and there is no news that TELEGRAM has appointed any other representative in Europe”, added Moraes.

It is worth mentioning that the inquiry that investigates the directors and those responsible for Telegram and Google was opened after messenger mass fire a message against Law Project n. 2,630/2020, known as the fake news PL.

Moraes ordered Telegram to delete the message sent to users against the project. Google was forced by the government to mark as advertising a material that criticized the project and which was placed on the main page of the site.


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