Tag: maps


How to listen to your Spotify music when using Google Maps

There is no doubt that the Spotify and Google Maps applications are among the best that exist in their respective segments (listen to...

Travel back in time with Google Maps and from your mobile: the application launches navigation for previous years

One of the most useful and disruptive features of Google Maps is celebrating its anniversary: ​​Street View is fifteen years old. ...

Google Maps Live View: this is augmented reality navigation and how to activate it

Three years ago augmented reality came to Google Maps to improve the pedestrian navigation thanks to live viewa feature that began as...

Turn your Google Maps into a time machine: so you can see what your street was like years ago

Since Google cars pass through the busiest city streets with some frequency, Google Maps offers a kind of time jump with the...

This is the incredible ‘immersive view’ of Google Maps: buildings and interiors in 3D thanks to billions of images

We are in the middle of Google I/O and the company led by Sundar Pichai is taking the opportunity to show us all its...