A style tool “Stories” will be coming soon to the Telegram. The information comes from the messenger’s own founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, which announced the news for the platform through its public profile this Monday (26). The feature is in the final testing phase.
Durov even admitted that the heads of the application did not want the implementation of this functionality due to the fact that it was present everywhere. However, they changed their minds because of the messaging app user community itself.
According to the executive himself, half of the requests for new additions to Telegram were related to the implementation of Stories. But only when the function is actually available will we be able to know if the app’s fans will like this news or not.
What is known so far about the tool is that users will be able to choose how long publications will be available to other people. Thus, people will be able to choose between 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours, in addition to the possibility of controlling the privacy of each post.
It will even be possible to have a type of “Close Friends” and according to the CEO of the platform, there will be ways to pin Stories to the profile to help identify each one within the app. In addition, Durov revealed that the function will also be available for channels and that the team can no longer imagine the messenger without this functionality.
We don’t know if Stories will be part of the free version or just the premium plan. The feature is expected to be released to the public in early July. Finally, see how you can send photos and videos as spoilers in the messaging app and how to edit the sent messages.