Settled: Instagram announces the end of lives with the sale of products

Settled: Instagram announces the end of lives with the sale of products
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Instagram announced today that live streams will no longer be able to feature product tags. The measure will be valid from March 2023, when users will no longer find labels to insert their products in the lives within the application, which already lost the Shopping tab in early January.

The explanation for the end of the feature is given on the Instagram support page:

As of March 16, 2023, you will no longer be able to tag products in live streams on Instagram. This change will help us focus on products and features that deliver the most value to our users.

However, stores present on Instagram will remain there, but the trend is for them to migrate to other platforms that are investing more in live product sales, such as TikTok, which has already started testing the novelty in October 2022 in the United States.

In addition to TikTok, YouTube is also already allowing the same through a partnership with Shopify. Finally, Instagram says it will continue to invest in more shopping experiences in other sectors of its platform:

You’ll still be able to set up and run your store on Instagram as we continue to invest in shopping experiences for people and businesses across feeds, stories, reels, ads and more.

On the other hand, it seems that the network wants to get closer to Twitter, which has been losing users after becoming an unstable network under the command of Elon Musk. One of the first changes would be to charge for a verification badge on Instagram, which has already been done on Twitter and has generated a lot of confusion with fake accounts from large companies.

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