Perplexity AI, an alternative to ChatGPT, the new Bing and the like, already has its app for iOS


In recent months we have witnessed the merciless fight between two technology giants, Google and Microsoft, looking for their respective search services powered by Artificial Intelligence to offer the best possible experience.

But as we know, these companies aren’t the only ones struggling in a space where generative AI is gaining more relevance in changing web search experiences. In this sense, Perplexity AI is another of the many contenders that is also aiming to get a piece of market share.

Taking into account the users who visit it from their mobiles

Founded in 2022 by Aravind Srinivas, Denis Yarats, Johnny Ho and Andy Konwinski, engineers in back-end systems, AI and machine learning, respectively, this newly created platform focused on AI chatbot web searches, has not only managed to close a new round of financing of 26 million dollars, but in addition, it has just recently launched its own mobile application for the iOS platform.

In it, as indicated in the company’s blog, users will have “instant responses, cited sources, voice search, follow-up questions and thread history.”

Once again, highlight the voice search to get an idea of ​​the lost opportunities that many virtual assistants have missed, such as Siri.

Until now, visits were only possible through the web, where almost half of the users came from mobile devices, having at most their own extension for Chrome and compatible Chromium-based browsers.

At the moment it does not mention the arrival of a version for the Android platform, although it will be a matter of waiting for it to arrive on the road, having to settle for accessing it from any mobile web browser.

Seeking to evolve to be superior to the chatbots of the technological giants

Unlike ChatGPT, Perplexity AI does have updated data in real time, and in addition, the AI ​​chatbot is based on technology that works with much better precision and moves away from the so-called hallucinations or invented responses that are being given on other platforms. similar.

According to the statement:

We’ve built a one-of-a-kind conversational response engine that’s built on providing accurate and relevant information through citations. When people search online for answers to their questions, they are presented with endless lists of links that advertisers and search engine optimization can manipulate. People are then tasked with going through those websites and distilling the information, much of which may not be accurate in the first place. With Perplexity AI, we aim to fix all of that.

Over time, Perplexity AI aspires to be a “one-stop knowledge center where anyone can explore and learn effortlessly,” facing off against tech giants and other startups that also want to evolve the way they do business. search the web.

Link: Perplexity.AI