New Android Auto 10.9 update: Are there changes and news?

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persona primer plano conduciendo telefono movil.jpg

Android Auto 10.9 update

Android Auto, the Google application to reflect all the content of your smartphone on the screen of your car, has received a new update Android Auto 10.9. Although it is a trial version, not only will all those users who are signed up to the Android beta program be able to access it, but its review will be open to the public. Do you want to know if Google has introduced new changes and developments in Android Auto? We tell you everything below.

Have you ever used the Android Auto app in your vehicle? It is an operating system with a series of functions that you can control through the car screen sending the information from your mobile phone, if the specifications of your vehicle are compatible. In this way, Google allows you to use a large part of the applications integrated into our smartphone, with the intention that we avoid using it during the trip we are taking.

Thus, over time, Android Auto has been updated with the aim of improving the user experience so that the car trip is as pleasant as possible. In this context, Google has already communicated the launch of the update of Android Auto 10.9.6346. If you want to download this new version, you are in luck, because you will simply have to search for the APK file to install it on your smartphone if you are not part of the Android Auto beta program.

Android Auto 10.9 in beta version

As in most applications, Android Auto usually deploys a previous version of all its updates so that users can access and report possible errors. This is called being a beta tester, that is, a program tester that developers usually put on the table to check for possible errors before launching the official version of the product to the online application store.

Although fortunately these are specific cases, among some of the failures that can occur are disconnections in the GPS search engine, certain error messages, such as audio problems or desynchronization with our account, as well as functions that are not being performed correctly. For its part, while waiting for these corrections, Google usually listens to the community, so that these types of altercations will be resolved sooner rather than later.

Android Auto 10.9 screen update

Are there changes and news?

The truth is that beta testers no significant changes have been found compared to the previous version of Android Auto 10.8, so it seems to be a temporary update as it is noted that the relevant corrections have not yet been implemented. We will have to wait if the technology giant carries out its task in the coming days.

And it seems that Google has been announcing several new features that have not yet been introduced, such as compatibility with the Zoom application, the possibility of changing the wallpaper or the implementation of a connection button. All these updates remain to be seen, so we still have to wait for more versions to be released with all these changes.

How to update to Android Auto 10.9

If you still do not have the latest Android Auto update, you must go to the Play Store, select your profile, press Manage apps and device and Update pending applications. But if you still don’t have the latest version or it doesn’t appear in the Google online store, you can download it at this link.

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