iPad more and more like a laptop with the new features of iPadOS 16


Apple has often presented its iPads as products that rival laptops when it comes to managing the most common personal productivity functions and (not only). One of the great divides between a desktop / laptop operating system and a tablet operating system is represented by the organization of the workspace: one thing is to have a virtual desk available where you can manage the app windows without constraints, another is to have to do the accounts with a single app at a time and with the section dedicated to switching from one app to another among those open in memory. With the next version of iPadOS – presentation is expected for WWDC 2022 to be held next Monday – Apple seems intent on narrowing the gap between the app experience on desktop / laptop and tablet even further.


To reveal more details about Apple’s plan to evolve iPadOS in a direction increasingly similar to that of a desktop operating system is Mark Gurman Bloomberg confirming important news announced next week: iPad will be more like a laptop and less like a smartphone.

To achieve the goal, Apple will move on several fronts by introducing in iPadOS 16:

  • improved multitasking interface to make it easier to switch between apps open in memory and to move between tasks
  • ability to resize app windows
  • new ways to manage multiple apps at the same time
  • improvements to the current management system of three apps at the same time – two on shared screen (Split View) and a third in superimposed window (Slide Over)

Even the advances provided last week by the well-known Steve Troughton-Smith would confirm that with iPadOS 16 the app windows will be resizable without constraints. Improving the management of apps and multitasking appears as the ideal completion of a refinement process for iPads which, with the latest models, have been able to equip the same M1 chip integrated in MacBooks as well. The hardware is there, now it is a question of further improving the software. Appointment on Monday to find out all the details of this new evolutionary step of the iPad. News and announcements are also expected for the new versions of iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.

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