iOS 16 will allow iPhones to bypass CAPTCHAs

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ios 16 will allow iphones to bypass captchas.jpg

While CAPTCHAs are a scourge for all Internet users, a new feature in iOS 16 will allow iPhone users to bypass them to save a few seconds on compatible applications or websites.

iPhone 13
Credit: Unsplash

Selecting images of crosswalks or deciphering text to prove you’re human may soon become increasingly rare for iPhone users as iOS 16 introduces a feature to bypass CAPTCHAs in supported apps and websites.

Indeed, in addition to allowing users to uninstall 29 native applications or to automatically install security patches, Apple has introduced for its iPhones and Macs a feature called Automatic verification, which allows certain sites to know that you do not you’re not a robot without you having to do anything. This new option, on which Apple has collaborated with Fastly and Cloudflare, should soon save you precious time on iPhones running iOS 16, but also on MacOS Ventura.

Read also – iOS 16: your iPhone will soon be able to accommodate your identity card in digital format

You’ll soon no longer have to prove you’re human in iOS 16

According to information shared by Apple, the new automatic verification feature and support sites will use iCloud to verify both your Apple ID and your device, presenting a token that proves that you are trustworthy. You will no longer have to enter indecipherable text or select images to show that you are human.

Apple has indicated that devices will not share sensitive data related to your account (such as email address or phone number). The company also won’t know who is making the verification request, which will prevent them from tying those checks to specific vendors. This token system is presented as more respectful of privacybecause it does not track your IP address.

The good news is that Google also participated in the development of this feature, according to Fastly. So Android phones might get a similar feature in future OS updates. It will probably be necessary to wait for Android 14 before seeing the functionality arrive at Google, since the betas of Android 13 contain no trace of this option.

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Mubashir Hassan
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