Instagram reinvents stories with 2-second video notes

instagram reinvents stories with 2 second video notes.webp.webp.webp
instagram reinvents stories with 2 second video notes.webp.webp.webp

Instagram debuted this year with notes, a type of status similar to MSN Messenger in which you could initially include short texts and over time more functions were added, including publishing music. Now they arrive the video noteswhich are a little different.

Instagram now allows us to share a short 2 second video as a note, which will be visible for 24 hours for those who have permission, as an infinite loop that replaces our profile photo. Incidentally, Instagram also gives us more options to respond to our friends’ notes, being able to use audio, photos, videos, stickers or animated GIFs.

Video notes arrive on Instagram

Instagram continues to improve its notes function, something like the statuses of its messaging part. The latest evolution is the video noteswhich are already being activated for all users of the application.

The video notes are 2 second video loops that must be recorded using the mobile’s front camera. That is, you cannot change the camera or upload a video that you already had saved on your previous mobile phone. This is the main difference with doing the exact same thing in an Instagram story.


The video notes that we upload They will be shown as our profile photo in our friends’ notes bar, cheering each other up infinitely. Like notes, we can choose who has permission to view our video loops before publishing them.

Our friends will have the option to respond to our video notes, something for which they will now have more options. This is so because Instagram now allows us reply to notes with more options: with audio messages, photos, videos, stickers or animated GIFs. Until now it was only possible to write text messages as replies.

Via | TechCrunch

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