Google launches 360-degree emoji and background display in Meet calls

Google launches 360-degree emoji and background display in Meet calls

This week Google Workspace launched two new functions for Meet users, the company’s video calling platform, increasing interaction between meeting participants. With the novelty made available last Wednesday (11), users can react with emojis on calls, improving expression.

As the developer explains, it is possible to choose one of the 9 compatible emojis and place it in the upper left corner so that the other meeting guests can see the chosen ideogram. Emojis gain more emphasis based on engagement, i.e. when multiple people use the same emoji many times.

Although the focus of the recent update is on new personalization features, Google points out that starting in the next few weeks – the company has not committed to confirming when – users will be able to apply a 360º background by combining images offered by the application with the sensor. smartphone gyroscope.

This new feature should create a “more immersive experience” on Meet for mobile. The 360º background will have the beach scene, but the company anticipates that more options will be made available later. Both functions will be launched globally, but the 360º wallpapers will be restricted to smartphones.

What’s New in Google Meet. (Image: Playback).

In December 2022, Google Meet expanded simultaneous translation of subtitles to more languages, including French, German, Portuguese and Spanish for real-time English subtitles.

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