Globe, to explore the world and consult information from a new perspective

conoce la vista globe con la cual podras explorar el mundo y consultar informacion desde una nueva perspectiva.jpg
conoce la vista globe con la cual podras explorar el mundo y consultar informacion desde una nueva perspectiva.jpg

Currently we can find web pages on the internet that offer us various digitally generated cartographic views. In them we can check different aspects related to the world and the people who inhabit it.

The latest release in this area comes from Mapbox, a company that provides online maps developed on request for other companies from different sectors, with the purpose of offering these cartographic tools that contribute to the optimization of their operations.

the last of them, Globe, offers a view of the world in this link, where users will be able to see different aspects that are useful, either for plan your vacation or make the tracking a shipment carried out by a company such as DPD, which has established itself as one of the best options in the field of international parcel and that now, with the integration of the Globe view in its platform, it further strengthens this position.

Worldwide parcel delivery company @DPDgroup_news on why they use Globe view: “We wanted to use innovative and leading-edge technology, we also wanted it to be in a format that would be easy to use. Mapbox Globe view has definitely delivered on that.” More:

— Mapbox (@Mapbox) June 28, 2022

So also Mapbox’s Globe view can be used by travel agencies or hotels in order to provide users with a means to make it easier for them to carry out the planning of a trip or their vacation, also allowing them to consult broader regions to establish a comparison of listings.

Added this, the Globe view breaks convention, showing the results in a more dynamic and interesting way compared to the traditional method.

Globe also allows you to observe the range of different weather phenomena happening in real time, so you can get a broader perspective of them. In this way, you will have a better idea of ​​how the sun, land masses and water affect the wind direction and intensity.

Mesmerizing #mapboxglobe

— Mapbox (@Mapbox) June 29, 2022

How does Globe work?

The Globe view works the same way all other Mapbox projections do, and can be enabled by Mapbox Studio or with the help of setProjection method.

All those maps that have the possibility of being displayed under the Globe view will do so through a subtle transition that leads to a spherical globe view when zooming to a certain point.

Taking into account that the Globe view constitutes a feature executed client-sideyou can work with it without making any changes to your custom data layers.

It is worth mentioning that Globe has a series of elements that allow the user to adjust aspects of the view generated on the screen, such as the color of space, as well as the atmosphere around the globe and the visibility of stars.

Show us your globes! 🌍 Use #mapboxglobe and tag us to submit globes to our showcase. Beautiful, weird, zany, practical… what will you globe?

— Mapbox (@Mapbox) June 28, 2022

Custom map styles = Custom globes ✨ Add Globe view to existing styles in Mapbox Studio with one click – then share your creations! #mapboxglobe

— Mapbox (@Mapbox) June 29, 2022

By clicking HERE you will be taken to a web page with a name map river runner presented under the Globe view, where you will have the opportunity to tap anywhere in the world to simulate the path taken by a raindrop from that point to the nearest ocean.

trying out the new @Mapbox globe projection on the river runner and seems to be working really well!

— Sam Learner (@sam_learner) June 22, 2022

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.