George Zhao, CEO of Honor: “Once you try the Honor Magic V2, you won’t go back to a traditional mobile phone”

george zhao ceo of honor once you try the honor.jpg
george zhao ceo of honor once you try the honor.jpg

Are you afraid of being the next target of the United States, or in some way, also in China?

The industry needs competitiveness and Honor embraces that challenge like the rest of the manufacturers. Today, flat smartphones are becoming boring devices, if they do not innovate there is nothing to offer the consumer. If there are potholes in the way of this innovation, the industry itself is throwing stones at itself. In short, we believe that our devices are loved and the market is liking that Honor is present.

After what happened with Huawei, how do you see the future of Honor in the next 5 years?

I don’t think there will be a ‘bottleneck’ in the market like what has happened to Huawei. Our objective is a different goal and to go step by step so that more users know our products, as is currently happening.