Cryptocurrency miners paint GPUs to sell them like new

Cryptocurrency miners paint GPUs to sell them like new
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Chinese stores would be selling video cards used in cryptocurrency mining as if they were new. The statement is from the Europeian channel on YouTube Iskandar Souza, who did a deep investigation on some GPUs bought in that market.

According to the complaint, supported by video card specialist Paulo Gomes, the yellowish hue on the GPU memory chip is a strong indication that the component was used in mining and suffered intense stress during use.

Precisely to evade the closer look of experts, miners are painting the surface of some GPU components used in cryptocurrency mining to sell them as if they were new boards.

The video cards used in cryptocurrency mining lose a lot of their useful life because the process is complex and requires a lot of GPUs. Therefore, churn for miners is high and they need to get rid of old cards.

In a similar investigation, the TecLab team covered the topic of used mining GPUs being sold by one of the companies in Europe. The boards sold had a different epoxy color than new boards sold by other vendors.

The GPUs were opened during a live stream to demonstrate that there were no irregularities or trickery involved. Technicians quickly confirmed that the company sold cards used in mining to unsuspecting customers.

And you, do you usually buy GPUs from Chinese stores? Let us know in the comments down below!

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