Confirmed: Windows keyboards will have a new key that will make everything easier

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Microsoft has confirmed that future Windows computers will have a special key to activate Copilot, its artificial intelligence.

Microsoft is betting on Copilot so that its AI goes where Cortana, the old Windows assistant, could not go. The company has just made its application official in Spain for Android and iOS, and it is not the only change it has announced to enhance its use in the future.

It has been officially announced that in the future keyboards used in Windows will have a key for Quickly access Copilot from anywhere. It is the first significant change that this hardware has received for approximately thirty years in which it has remained with practically the same keys.

Microsoft has set out to make 2024 the year in which AI is more important than ever in computers, and to this end it has already released some of the most interesting functions for Copilot, such as create images from textwhich has been available for a while.

Your next computer will have an AI key

Keyboards for Windows are going to change forever, and just as they integrate special keys that are not found on Mac computers, such as the key with the operating system logo, they will also have a new key to open artificial intelligence which will be integrated into software.

To help users use a new feature, it never hurts to make it easier to open it. Google already did it with Assistant, just like Apple with Siriand now Microsoft is the one that wants all those people who use a computer with its operating system to be able to access Copilot with just the press of a button.

At the CES in Las Vegas that will be held in the coming weeks, some laptops will already be seen with this button; it will gradually appear on more devices, such as keyboards, which will also have to adapt to this change.

It is not clear if peripheral manufacturers will also include this button by default on their keyboards or if some will continue to opt for a traditional model, although, if people demand the presence of this button, it is most likely that it will end up being included in all keyboards as well. keyboards.

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