Be very careful with this fake email that pretends to be Apple

be very careful with this fake email that pretends to be apple
be very careful with this fake email that pretends to be apple

We are back at it with a new episode of cybercrime that is causing tremendous havoc for users through the actions of a group of assailants whose primary objective is to take possession of all their data. This tells us that we should never let our guard down, since the gaze of these individuals always points towards our pockets. Next, we invite you to continue reading to find out how to escape from their clutches and what their last moves are.

Sometimes we are not sufficiently familiar with the ideas of cyber attackers, who are increasingly more ingenious, and can easily trap us with their masterful skills. For this reason, we live in an era in which we must take extreme precautions by informing ourselves of all the disasters that may cause us and having the necessary knowledge to not make it easy for them.

For this reason, citizen security organizations such as INCIBE (National Cybersecurity Institute) or the OSI (Internet Security Office) have the necessary tools to identify these criminals and spread their misdeeds through the networks as soon as possible. . One of their latest actions involves sending a fraudulent email , which you should stop immediately.

The new email to avoid

Have you ever received an email that made you suspicious? This technique, known as phishing , is one of the most used globally to deceive users and get hold of important merchandise. Of course, no one is exempt from this type of fraud, so it is necessary to be alert to any hint of malice.

In this context, security organizations that advocate for the defense of citizens’ privacy have set to work to detect a dangerous email that impersonates Apple , specifically the Apple Pay service, which numerous users have already received. affected. This is an alert message to warn victims that their Apple Pay account has been suspended and, therefore, they cannot make payments using their mobile phones. The only way to reactivate this function is by accessing a fraudulent website to enter your bank details and thus resolve the issue.

How to identify the email and what to do?

If you have received an email with the text mentioned above, you should totally avoid it. But if you need to know more information about it so you don’t even have to open it, you can go to the text that appears written in the subject : “Apple Pay is blocked: follow the instructions . ” However, you should also realize that the domain used to access the Apple URL is a scam, since it is from , one of the websites that is often used to scam people.

If you have agreed to open the email, the first thing you should do is mark it as spam and delete it . But if you have fallen into the trap of selecting the dangerous link and providing your banking credentials, you should follow these tips:

  • Contact your bank to cancel all your cards and track your personal details so they can impersonate you.
  • Take screenshots of all the actions you take and gather the necessary material to report it to the Police.
  • Check the information you have received and send it to Apple to see if it really is fraud. You can also go to their official website where they talk about it.

Source > INCIBE


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