Apple considers making iPhone ‘significantly thinner’

apple considers making iphone 'significantly thinner'
apple considers making iphone 'significantly thinner'

This thinner version could be launched as part of the iPhone 17 line and replace the Plus model, according to a report from The Information.

Apple is reportedly developing a “significantly thinner” iPhone model to launch as part of the iPhone 17 line and replace the Plus model. At least, that’s what a report from The Information points out .

iPhone 17 would be ‘significantly thinner’

  • Apple is reportedly developing a “significantly thinner” iPhone model that could be launched as part of the iPhone 17 line and replace the Plus model, according to a report from The Information ;
  • The new iPhone 17 model would represent an evolution in design, similar to the impact of the iPhone X, which moved from the “button iPhone” to the current full-screen design. Apple is still defining the final version of the new design, considering several options, including an aluminum chassis;
  • The iPhone 17 would bring changes such as relocating the front camera and Face ID sensors to a smaller pill-shaped cutout and centralizing the rear cameras to avoid obstructions by the user’s fingers. The screen size would vary between 6.12 and 6.69 inches;
  • This thinner model could be more expensive than the current iPhone 15 Pro Max, whose starting price is R$10,999 in Brazil. The report also suggests that the iPhone 16 Plus, scheduled for 2024, may be the last of its form due to lower-than-expected sales.

The new model would represent an evolution in design, similar to what was seen with the iPhone X – which marked the transition from the “button iPhone” to the iPhone as we see it today (with a big screen).

Apple is still defining the final version of the new design for its iPhones. And it considers several options, including an aluminum chassis.


In addition to being thinner, the iPhone 17 would feature major design changes

One of the most significant changes would relocate the front camera and Face ID sensors to a smaller pill-shaped cutout. Additionally, the rear cameras could be centered to prevent the user’s fingers from obstructing the lenses.

The screen size of the new iPhone would vary between 6.12 and 6.69 inches. In other words, it would be between the “normal” iPhone and the iPhone Pro Max.


Furthermore, this thinner model could be more expensive than the iPhone 15 Pro Max (the most advanced model at the moment), whose price starts at R$10,999 on Apple’s Brazilian website.

Thinner version of the iPhone would replace Plus version

The report also indicates that the iPhone 16 Plus will be launched in 2024 – and could be the last of its format, due to lower-than-expected sales.

Apple has focused its 2024 technological advances on artificial intelligence (AI) rather than major design changes. But this could change in the iPhone 17. Let’s wait.


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