Apple listens to users in their requests regarding Final Cut Pro

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Apple’s tool for creating, editing and producing video, Final Cut Pro, which combines digital editing and speed, is a tool that, although highly praised by many users, also has its detractors. In fact, the same ones who praise it end up asking Apple not to abandon it. It seems with Apple and Final Cut Pro that it is like a power but not wanting. That doesn’t sit well, but the company has collected complaints and suggestions from those who use it and the latest update will leave a tool to the liking of many.

Apple promises to update Final Cut Pro adding desired features

In April, last update released of Final Cut Pro. In addition, other competing tools were also updated and although it seems that Apple’s is good enough, a large part of the video editors They didn’t like it too much.

We are talking about a fairly expensive tool, but with very powerful and well-known functions. Of course, we have to take into account that those of the competition are not far behind. As for these issues, it is important to always be ahead. For this reason, an open letter was sent to Apple CEO Tim Cook. In it, he expressed what the tool should have to be considered the best. And in this way, do not look for in the competition what Apple does not have.

One of the things that was requested in that letter was the public support and certification of product providers. In addition to the third-party services that publishers often use so that the tool can be combined in the works that are usually used by the film and television industry.

Considering that letter, which was signed by 112 video publishers of the best platforms and companies, Apple has responded. He has done so, clarifying that he will do everything in his power to fulfill his wishes. For example, an open public Beta program is something that the American company is very likely to end up adding.

Apple has launched to satisfy a very specific market niche but in which, carving out a niche and being the best tool can revert to pride and a lot of money.