The GTA trilogy comes to your Android mobile and for free on Netflix while you wait for the next GTA VI

the gta trilogy comes to your android mobile and for free on netflix while you wait for the next gta vi
the gta trilogy comes to your android mobile and for free on netflix while you wait for the next gta vi

Rockstar Games has also announced AI voice chat moderation for another of its current most successful games.

Netflix after a year of so many changes in its subscriptions and everything that happened with the restrictions to shared accounts, wants to end the year in the best possible way with the exclusive premiere of the Grand Theft Auto trilogy for mobiles. Rockstar Games, apart from offering these three games through Netflix, has also made them available each for 19.99 euros.

With the premiere of the GTA VI trailer, which will be released sometime in 2025, Rockstar Games has once again shown its great power to attract the attention of millions of people around the world. This capacity is also demonstrated with this agreement and the renewal in the graphics of GTA III, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas that can be purchased on Netflix or separately in the Play Store or App Store.


Another notable announcement from Rockstar Games has to do with the moderation of voice chat in GTA V in order to control that players in GTA Do not use inappropriate, offensive or hate language online. Here they innovate with an experience that they will possibly transfer to their next titles and that is based on the use of AI to review voice chats.

The three Grand Theft Auto on Android

These three mobile games were already released to the Play Store, the difference now is that they have received graphical improvements such as new textures high resolution, new lighting, adjustments to the environment, greater visual distances, controls and aiming in the style of Grand Theft Auto V. An updated soundtrack has also been included and optimized for mobile phones with which to enjoy exploring the streets of Miami .


Of the three titles, both GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas openly stand out; especially the latter for incorporating a larger map than the other two games and some new functions for the saga’s own experience. The character can gain or lose weight and the gangs maintain their domination over the neighborhoods so that the player can run into them at any time.

Logically we are facing Grand Theft Auto from an old generation both in graphics and performance, but with the same flavor and spirit which has made this saga one of the historical ones for gaming in all its formats, whether on consoles or through a PC.

So now they become three very special games to enjoy from your mobile with the aforementioned improvements so you can spend your time better while the next GTA VI trailer is released or it finally arrives on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox S/X consoles in 2025. An unavoidable event already present in the Google Play Store from these links:

  • Grand Theft Auto III – The Definitive Edition en Android / iOS / Android (Netflix) y iOS (Netflix).
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition en Android / iOS / Android (Netflix) y iOS (Netflix).
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition en Android / iOS / Android (Netflix) y iOS (Netflix).

It is worth remembering that to play them for free you need a Netflix subscription to enjoy unique moments; a detail to understand the meaning that some of these games have, Ray Liotta, a famous American actor, gave his voice for one of Vice City’s characters, Tommy Vercetti.

Moderated voice chat in GTA online with AI

If artificial intelligence this year has taken over almost all the news related to technology, here Rockstar Games comes with a very different proposal far from AI image generation, a chatbot like ChatGPT or that ability of the next mobile phones to write texts for emails.

Rockstar Games has updated its support page with voice chat moderation in GTA Online. It has begun testing voice chat monitoring through Modulate, the company behind ToxMod; a tool based on machine learning and AI that will be responsible for the moderation for the gaming community. After initial testing, the new policy and compliance approach will be launched.



It also clarifies that it will protect the privacy of the players, but when necessary part of the audio chat may be recorded to maintain it for a period limited. Make it clear that this file will not be sold or used for third parties. The main objective is to reduce known as trash talk or bad language, and thus improve the gaming experience in GTA Online through its new update The Chop Shop, where thousands of players meet daily to do their misdeeds in the city of Los Santos.

Rockstar Games has not given details about how the AI ​​works in this moderation, but presumably it will be in charge of analyzing all the audio chats of the thousands of players< a i=2> who play GTA Online daily. An important moment that may give some clue about some upcoming developments in GTA VI, apart from being a functionality in which AI plays a great role.


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