Google takes action against racism: removes the controversial ‘Slavery Simulator’ from its store


Google, the tech giant, has once again demonstrated its commitment to the fight against racism and discrimination. Recently, the company removed from its app store, Google Play, a video game called ‘Slavery Simulator’. This game, which allowed users to buy, sell and even torture black characters, generated a wave of outrage in Brazil, leading authorities to open an investigation for “hate speech.”

The game that sparked the controversy

‘Slavery Simulator’ was produced by a company called ‘Magnus Games’. In this video game, the participants were advised to “use the slaves to get rich”, or “to do everything possible to avoid the abolition of slavery, to accumulate money”. Despite the fact that the creators of the game claimed that it was designed for entertainment purposes only and condemned any kind of slavery, the reality is that the content of the game turned out to be offensive and caused quite a stir.

Google’s answer

Given the controversy generated, Google He was quick to take action. The company removed the app from its store and issued a statement saying it would not allow apps on its platform that promote violence or incite hatred based on people’s race or ethnicity. In addition, Google invited users to report this type of content.

The fight against racism in Brazil

Brazil, the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery in 1888, still faces problems of racism. More than 56% of the population identifies as Afro-descendant. In this context, the Brazilian Ministry of Racial Equality has asked Google to implement effective measures to filter content containing hate speech, intolerance and racism.

Deputy Renata Souza has described the game as a mixture of racism and fascism, and has highlighted the need for stricter regulation of social networks to avoid this type of situation.

The case of the ‘Slavery Simulator’ highlights the importance of moderation and regulation of content on digital platforms. Tech companies have a responsibility to ensure that their platforms are not used to promote violence or hate. At the same time, it is essential that users report this type of content when they come across it. Only then can we build a safe and respectful digital space for everyone.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.