So you can download the latest and long-awaited 2023 version of Windows 11 without waiting

so you can download the latest and long awaited 2023 version.jpg
so you can download the latest and long awaited 2023 version.jpg

Computer with Windows 11 23H2 on screen

Microsoft is celebrating the arrival Windows 11 23H2, the great new version of its operating system that comes with the label of being the definitive edition of 2023. In principle, although updates are issued during the rest of the year, this will be the grand premiere of this year. We tell you how you can download it immediately.

If you wait for your computer to receive the Windows 11 23H2 version update, you may have to wait. Microsoft has put it into circulation, but will reach user teams from around the world progressively in a process that could extend over the coming months. The alternative is to do the manual installation as we explain below and download it so that you can take it to other computers.

First: update your computer

With operating systems, whether Windows on the computer, or Android and iOS on mobile phones, we are used to the peace of mind of simply waiting for updates to arrive on our equipment. In principle, this comfort is priceless, but it is true that there are cases in which update as soon as possible It is something that can be very beneficial.

Official Windows 11 logo on a colored background

In the case of Windows 11, taking into account the problems and errors that the platform has suffered in recent months, it is quite logical to want to update to the new version. It is also recommended for the different new features it incorporates and for being a version that Microsoft is giving it great importance. Then we will tell you how to download so that you have the ISO safe, but for now take note of the process you have to follow to update the system manually.

Update Windows 11 operating system version 23H2

Go to Start and in the top bar type “Check for updates.” This will save you all the menu navigation and go directly to the section of the system where looking for new versions. Although you will surely see the “Everything is updated” message, if you look closely you will also notice that it says “Windows 11, version 23H2 is available” and that, next to it, there is a button where you can “Download and install.” Click and follow the steps to update your computer to the latest one.

Second: download the ISO

The way to download will be through the Windows page itself, so you will not have to worry about possible security problems. It is not often that we know how to download Windows updates and versions because it is done less and less. Therefore, it is possible that you do not know or do not remember that the Windows website has the operating system file here freely downloadable. It is generally the best option to have a downloaded version on hand that you may need at a critical moment. After all, don’t forget that if something happens to your computer, you may very well need to reinstall Windows. And, in those cases, you will be grateful to have the ISO of the operating system stored on a USB memory or similar.

Downloading the ISO will also allow you update multiple computers in a simple way or if, for some reason, you find it more comfortable to use this update method than the one mentioned above. It could also be that the update availability has not yet “jumped” on your computer and that you have to refer to the download as a matter of obligation.

Download ISO Windows 11 23H2

In any case, go to the Microsoft website dedicated to Windows 11 and, first, make sure that at the top it indicates that you are going to download the version we are talking about. After that, go to the bottom area and, where it says “Download Windows 11 Disk Image”, click on the drop-down menu. Select the only option that appears and click on “Download”.

Windows 11 update language

For now, the download will not start yet, but the system will ask you to select the language in which you want the Windows 11 ISO. Scroll down until you see Spanish or Español (Spain) and then click Confirm. The website will begin the validation process and will ask you to make a confirmation of what you are going to download. After that you will only have to press the Download button and the file will begin to download, which has a weight of 6.2 GB.



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