WhatsApp announces new app for Windows with group video calling support and more

WhatsApp announces new app for Windows with group video calling support and more
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Meta announced a new version of the WhatsApp application for Windows. The tool arrives in order to improve the messaging and calling experience on all devices.

The app has been redesigned to load faster and present an interface familiar to users of this operating system and the messenger itself. In practice, it will be possible to organize group video calls with up to eight people and audio calls with up to 32 individuals.

Image: Disclosure / WhatsApp

According to the company’s statement, the intention is to continue increasing the limits over time, to maintain the connection with friends, family and co-workers. However, it has not yet released deadlines for further expansions.

The company also stressed that the improvements made – such as faster linking of devices and improvements in synchronization between them – are based on user feedback heard since the introduction of new features for other devices.

It is worth remembering that, just this week, the Beta version released a new poll format for the iOS version.

So, did you like the new version of the WhatsApp app? for Windows? Tell us your opinion!

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