Apple and Google are under pressure to ban TikTok from their US stores

Apple and Google are under pressure to ban TikTok from their US stores
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The Democratic senator, Michael Bennet, decided to “skip steps” and sent an open letter to the CEOs of Apple and Google so that they ban TikTok from stores of their respective operating systems.

The document was revealed on Thursday, with Bennett’s effort to restrict downloads of the app just another way of putting pressure on the companies that control iOS and Android.

TikTok’s vast influence and aggressive data collection poses a particular threat to US national security because of ByteDance’s obligations under Chinese law. Given these serious and growing concerns, I urge you to remove TikTok from your respective app stores immediately.

Image/reproduction: Senator Michael Bennet.

Senator Bennett is a member of the US Senate Intelligence Committee and is also the first congressman to openly lobby Apple and Google. However, technology companies can simply ignore the document sent by the Democrat.

This is because companies are only obliged to act when there is a legal demand or imposition by the Federal Government, something that has not yet happened. Even so, it is notable that pressure to ban TikTok has been growing in the United States.

An example of this is that the CEO of the Chinese social network was summoned to testify in Congress, while congressmen continue to press for the Biden administration to ban it through an executive order.

Commenting on the matter, TikTok spokesperson Brooke Oberwetter said that the company will clarify all doubts from deputies and senators at the hearing called for March.

We have an opportunity to set the record straight, and TikTok plans to present its comprehensive plans to protect the safety of US users.

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