Google Releases Incognito Tab Blocking in Chrome for Android

Google Releases Incognito Tab Blocking in Chrome for Android
1674830349 google releases incognito tab blocking in chrome for android.jpeg

THE Google announced this week a new feature for its browser chrome on the Android operating system. It is a resource that allows block an incognito browsing session when exiting the browser and going to other applications.

According to the company, anThe browser’s new privacy setting option lets you unlock incognito tabs with a screen lock, either with biometric information, PIN or pattern. Therefore, someone who does not have this data cannot.

To better exemplify the feature: after the Android device is locked and the user want to use Chrome’s Incognito tabs, there will be a prompt on the screen asking for the device unlock method to check if access can be allowed.

Public tabs will remain publicly available to anyone who picks up the phone and doesn’t know the screen unlock method. The announcement was made in the middle of the week of Data Privacy Day (January 28).

This is available to all Chrome users on iOS and is currently rolling out to Android users. Just go to Chrome Settings → Privacy and Security → Enable “Block incognito tabs when I close Chrome”.

The feature is extremely useful for devices used by more than one person, where one person doesn’t want the others to know what is being browsed. Google said the feature is rolling out gradually, so some users may have to wait.

How about you, did you like the news? Tell us in the comments down below!

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