The accident detection of the iPhone 14 allows a man to help his wife before the ambulance arrives

A man was alerted to his wife's nearby car accident thanks to the accident detection of the iPhone 14, which it allowed him to reach the scene and provide help before the emergency services arrived.
A man was alerted to his wife's nearby car accident thanks to the accident detection of the iPhone 14, which it allowed him to reach the scene and provide help before the emergency services arrived.

A man was alerted to his wife’s nearby car accident thanks to the accident detection of the iPhone 14, which it allowed him to reach the scene and provide help before the emergency services arrived.

The iPhone 14 / 14 Plus / 14 Pro / 14 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 8 / Ultra incorporate advanced sensors to detect traffic accidents.

An algorithm uses information from the device to determine if an accident has occurred and calls for help.

According to a Reddit post user u/uncle scorpion received a crash notification right away. He was on the phone with her when he heard her scream and the line went dead. His iPhone immediately alerted him that his wife had been in an accident. He gave him her exact location so he could go looking for her right away.

Another driver had been distracted and cut into the road, hitting his wife head-on. Luckily, no one was seriously injured beyond bruises.

The couple had just switched to the iPhone 14, and while the husband was aware of the feature, he didn’t think he would ever use it.

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