Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro, there is the MIUI 13 Global beta stable with Android 13! | Download

xiaomi 12 and 12 pro, there is the miui 13
xiaomi 12 and 12 pro, there is the miui 13

The start of the rollout of Android 13 stable arranged in recent days by Google for the Pixel has “freed” the MIUI 13 Global almost stable for Xiaomi 12 And Xiaomi 12 Pro. For the two top of the range presented at the end of last year, in fact, the release of the MIUI 13 has begun beta stable based on Android 13, ie the release destined to lay the foundations for the “definitive” stable MIUI 13. In short, on paper it should be a firmware to be used without having to deal with important bugs.

It is not clear how many of the news announced by Google for Android 13 have ended up in MIUI 13, being the Xiaomi user interface very effective in covering the operating system at its base. However, as the screenshots shared on the Xiaomi international community show, builds for Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro include the August security patches.

xiaomi 12 pic
xiaomi 12 pic

xiaomi 12 pro pic
xiaomi 12 pro pic
Xiaomi 12 69.9 x 152.7 x 8.16 mm
6.28 inches – 2400×1080 px
Xiaomi 12 Pro 74.6 x 163.6 x 8.16 mm
6.73 inches – 3200×1440 px

Click here for the complete comparison »

In the forum page that gives the news of the availability it is specified that after the update any overheating of the device or abnormal performance fall within the norm: “It may take some time – it is read – before your device adapts to the new firmware “.



To install it though, as with any other firmware beta stable of Xiaomi, you have to be enrolled in the Mi Pilot program. In case you are, you can download the build 4.2 GB for Xiaomi 12 or the from 4.3 GB for Xiaomi 12 Pro dai link below (and don’t forget a backup before such an important update):

  • MIUI V13.0.4.0.TLCMIXM download for Xiaomi 12 (4.2 GB)
  • MIUI V13.0.4.0.TLBMIXM download for Xiaomi 12 Pro (4.3 GB).
  • Xiaomi 12 is available online from eBay at 539 euros.
  • Xiaomi 12 Pro is available online from eBay at 699 euros.

Available on: Xiaomi 12 at 540 euros and 12 Pro at 700 euros. (Update of 17 August 2022, 18:22 hours)

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