Amazon Prime Channels starts offering MUBI content

Amazon Prime Channels starts offering MUBI content

THE amazon Prime Channels now started to offer the contents of MUBI, a platform that features award-winning titles. With that, the service can be subscribed to and watched on the Amazon Prime Video interface, in addition to the Prime Video ecosystem itself. MUBI.

THE contracting MUBI through Prime Video costs BRL 29.90/month and there is a seven-day trial period for the user to cancel the subscription if they no longer want it. It is worth mentioning that the MUBI’s own platform continues normally.

The partnership tends to give more visibility to the MUBI, bearing in mind that Prime Video users can stumble upon its catalog and discover its contents. In addition, the novelty can attract an audience already interested, but that did not like the interface of the MUBI.

As for the catalogue, MUBI has films that made their mark at the time, as well as titles such as drive my carnominated for the Oscar 2022 for Best Picture, Titane, Bad Education, The Scavengers and Me and Annette, and productions like Aftersun, which arrived exclusively on the service.

Prime Channels

In addition to MUBI, Amazon Prime Channels offers ten other streaming services for a separate subscription. Are they:

  • ParamountPlus;
  • Discovery;
  • Lionsgate Plus;
  • MGM;
  • premiere;
  • Looke;
  • Pure adrenaline;
  • Stingray;
  • Reservation Imovision;
  • Love Nature.

Each service has a different subscription fee, which can be canceled at any time. To hire any of the channels through Prime Channels, you must be an Amazon Prime subscriber.

How about you, did you like the news? Tell us in the comments down below!

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