WhatsApp launches shareable call links feature

WhatsApp launches shareable call links feature
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This Monday (26th), the Whatsapp received the “Call Links” feature, which promises to make it easy to start and participate in calls with just one touch. This type of option already exists in apps like zoom and Google Meetand now arrives at the Meta messenger.

The news was announced by CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, which also highlighted the start of group video calling tests for up to 32 people on the platform. This feature should be released soon for the app.

To use the new feature, users can access the “Call Links” option within the “Calls” tab. After creating the link to join audio or video calls, just share it with friends and family.

To gain access to the novelty, users will need the latest version of the application for the systems android or iOS. Also according to Zuckerberg, the functionality begins to be made available this week to all users.

It is also worth remembering that the started testing last month the function called “Communities” in WhatsAppwhich will make it possible to aggregate different groups and enable communication between thousands of people at once.

The tool should start working outside Europe this year. However, over here, the role and increase in size of the platform groups will not be implemented before 2023 after an agreement with the Federal Public Ministry (MPF).

And you, did you like the arrival of this feature on WhatsApp? Tell us in the comments below!

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