This is the main problem of having WhatsApp on two mobile phones at the same time

this is the main problem of having whatsapp on two.jpg
this is the main problem of having whatsapp on two.jpg

For a few months it has been possible to use WhatsApp on several phones at the same time, but there are some functions that are not available.


For a long time WhatsApp has been the reference application in Spain to communicate with friends and family. Little by little the use of the application has permeated other areas, such as work. One of the great milestones of this app is when it started allow use of the service on more than one device at a time.

This began to be possible on computers, with WhatsApp Web, but little by little has been allowed on other devices, such as a second mobile. The problem is that the use of WhatsApp on secondary phones is not exactly the same as on the main one.

Specifically there is a limitation that prevents real-time location sharing from a device that is not the primary one. Not even for a limited time. This is one of the few limitations that remain in force. On a computer there is no major problem, since it is rare to use this function from there, but from a smartphone it is much more normal.

When it started Allowing the use of WhatsApp on different devices at the same time created some limitations. For example, you couldn’t set chats in the list to appear at the top. This was later corrected and it is currently possible to do so.

However, the limitation of not being able to share the location in real time from a mobile phone other than the main one. The company has not specified whether it is a technical or privacy problem, but it represents an inconvenience when using a secondary device, at least if that function is used.

Real-time location function not available

There is always the option of sharing the location through other applications, such as Google Maps, which do not have that limitation. Besides, WhatsApp continues to maintain the obligation that the main device connect to the internet every 14 days at least, to keep the session active on the rest of the devices. As if that were not enough, you cannot crear and view broadcast lists or aAdd and delete states on linked devices. Meta should work more on improving these types of functions so that the experience is simpler, and not complicate the use of an app whose ease of use is one of its main values.

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