The simple Gmail actions so that email is not hellish: make it more useful and comfortable

the simple gmail actions so that email is not hellish make it more useful and comfortable
the simple gmail actions so that email is not hellish make it more useful and comfortable

Beyond being Google’s email platform, Gmail is one of the best applications to manage all the email that can be downloaded in Spain. It is compatible with accounts from other domains and even professional accounts, and the best thing is that it has a wide variety of options to tailor it to the needs of each person. The company leaves a lot of room for the user to personalize their experience to the maximum, with changes in functions such as quick gestures, notifications or the space occupied by messages on the screen, and it is even possible to hide some elements that are not going to be used. use.

We have compiled a series of tips aimed at making the application more comfortable, simple and easy to use. This will make it easier to prevent unopened emails from accumulating in your inbox and from wasted screen space, among other improvements. Delete from notification

It is not strange that every day there is a mix in the email inbox composed of work communications, newsletters, order confirmations and maybe even spam. This can cause incoming email notifications to accumulate, and from the notification the only thing you can do is file or reply.

However, it is possible to change this part of the interface so that it also an option to delete the email appears. This shortcut can be very useful in those situations in which simply by reading the description, you already know that it is going to be deleted.

Button to delete email from the notification The Free AndroidTo change this option you must open the Gmail settings and click on the “General Settings” section. Once there, just open “Default Notification Action” and select the “Delete” option. After this, when you receive an email, you can delete it or respond to it directly from the notifications curtain. Hide bottom bar Even if you use Gmail for work, not everyone needs direct access to Google Meet features like chats, spaces, and video calls. The shortcut to functions is integrated into the bottom navigation bar of the application, but it can be disabled so that we can see a greater number of elements on the screen.

This change achieves greater visual cleanliness and eliminates interface elements that many people do not use. It is possible to hide only part of these icons, so if, for example, you want to leave direct access to video calls, it is possible. Although it is also possible to make the bar hide automatically to improve navigation. It is also disabled from Settings. In this case, you have to do it manually in each of the Google accounts that are registered in Gmail. On the one hand, you must deactivate the “Show the Meet tab for video calls” box, and also the “Chat” box. The good thing about this differentiation is that it is possible to leave these icons in the work account and delete them in the personal one. Change the view Gmail has several options when it comes to configuring the way emails are displayed in the inbox, and depending on what you use your account for, you may be interested in switching between one and the other. There are three different modes, one of them is Default. This shows the name and email address of the person who sent it, as well as direct access to the attached files, if any, and a small preview of the text that the email includes. At the other extreme, the compact view eliminates the email preview and direct access to attachments to display only the sender name and email subject. This allows you to see as many emails as possible on the screen. In this view, the contact image disappears and is changed by a check box to be able to select several emails at the same time. It is the way to see the maximum number of conversations on the screen.

Between the two is the so-called comfortable view, thanks to which you can also see a small part of the text of the email, as well as the sender’s photo. If there is an attached file, a paper clip icon will be displayed on the right, you will have to open the email to access it. Create the labels you need The emails received daily can have a very varied topic and range from offers on products and services of interest to important communications in the workplace or even with the administration. Managing everything from the same inbox can be complicated, and this is where labels can be a great help at an organizational level.

Its only peculiarity is that they have to be created from the computer, since it is not possible to do so on the mobile phone, a curious decision on the part of the company. Simply open Gmail in the browser and open the “Manage labels” section, located in the sidebar. The best thing is to try to segment the type of email that arrives in the inbox and make as many categories as you consider appropriate, as long as they are useful to be able to find emails easily. For example, you can create the “work” to enter all the emails that have to do with the workplace, or the “promotions” to save together all the discount codes sent from online stores. Each person must assess which categories they will most need to organize and consult in the future, since it makes little sense to create labels for emails that are not needed, in which case it is always better to archive it or even delete it. You may be interested

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