Tag: create


They create an improved digital paper that brings reading closer to the natural way

Seeking to get even closer to the natural reading experience through electronic ink devices, the E Ink company has just officially introduced the new...

Government leaders create new committee to handle response to Ukraine crisis

Government leaders have formed a special high-powered committee to handle the national response to the devastating Ukrainian war refugees crisis. They will have access...

They create a thin speaker, with high quality sound and very low consumption

MIT engineers surprise the world again with the creation of a speaker system characterized by being as thin as paper, heavy as a penny,...

Instagram will allow you to create Reels using templates from other users

Instagram wants to make it simple for users to create and post Reels. And to make things easier, he's trying out a new...

Computer motherboards launched so you can create original and light PCs

Framework is a curious computer company launched last year, offering laptops that are easy to repair and upgrade by users themselves, for which it...

Elai, to create videos with realistic voice from text

Creating a presentation with a voice narrating our text, without having to open our mouths, is the dream of many people.Today the applications for...