Tag: Android 14


Android 14: details of the new features for cell phones

As every year, Google releases an update Android, the operating system that is available on most cell phones in the world. Version 14 began...

Android 14 DP1, all the hidden news: keyboard and trackpad gestures

As we saw just yesterday, Google has begun the public phase of the Android 14 development cycle. Close to the release of the first...

Android 14 will make it harder for someone to see the PIN you enter on your phone

Google has just published the second beta of the upcoming QPR3 version of Android 13 that will be released in June, but the new...

Have you ever been blinded by screen brightness when unlocking in a dark place?

Has it ever happened to you that you turn off your phone screen and when you turn it on again later, it has a...

Google will allow the transfer of eSIM data without the need for telephone operators

Google I would be working on a system that will allow users who have devices with technology eSIM transfer your data to another cell...

Android 14 will block “task killer” apps: new details

  With the release of the Android 14 Developer Preview 2, several details emerged regarding the innovations that Google intends to implement in Android, starting...