4, 16 or even 32 terabytes of storage space in the household – with a NAS system that’s no problem at all. It stores music collections, videos, Time Machine backups and much more on multiple hard drives. The device does not have to be positioned within the USB cable length of the computer, but can be snuggled in a dark niche. Only network and power connections have to be available there.
In your home network, you can then access the data from several clients at the same time. The apps from the manufacturers and from open source developers expand the possibilities, for example they add (additional) media servers and allow data exchange with friends. If you set up your system with a mirrored RAID, failsafety is not neglected: You shrug off a defective hard disk and simply replace it. The device then recovers the data itself. So it’s a NAS the Alternative to the expensive iCloud subscription with meager storage space? Sebastian Trepesch discusses this with the editors Johannes Schuster and Wolfgang Kreutz in episode 31 of the Mac & i podcast.
In advance, they examined six models in the price range from 140 euros to almost 1990 euros for a test report in Mac & i issue 4/2022. These devices offer two to six hard drive bays. In the podcast, the editors reveal, among other things, what you should consider when making your choice, whether SSDs can increase access speed and how high the electricity costs are.
The whole episode as an audio stream (RSS feed) to listen to and download:
In addition to comparing the six NAS systems, Mac & i issue 4/2022 provides tips on how to get more out of your device.
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