Microsoft Teams Gets Lighter Web App for Linux-Based Operating Systems

Microsoft Teams Gets Lighter Web App for Linux-Based Operating Systems

Microsoft Teams, video conferencing and virtual meetings application, is finally gaining a web application that can be installed on any Linux based operating system🇧🇷 As of last Monday (07), users can download the application through the pop-up message displayed on its website.

You can download the web application using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome on computers running Linux. According to big tech, the app is extremely light, stable and has all the fundamental features of the native version for Windows.

(Image: Microsoft)

Among the highlighted functions, users of the web version for Linux will be able to customize group chat backgroundview the shared image gallery, react to message bubbles and “raise your hand” in virtual meetings.

There are features that make the experience feel even more native on Linux-based operating systems, such as notifications for messages and calls and automatic startup as soon as the computer is turned on.

Microsoft also mentions that it is possible to use the Teams web application with conditional access settings to ensure more security for corporate Linux users with the “data management solution”. endpoint most advanced unified platform in the industry”, according to the company.

The North American giant’s virtual meeting application has become an essential tool for professionals who have joined the hybrid work regime. As its popularity has increased, Microsoft has empowered Teams with accessibility features and improvements in streaming audio and video quality.

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