Microsoft reveals tips for gamers to increase gaming performance on Windows 11

Microsoft reveals tips for gamers to increase gaming performance on Windows 11
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Microsoft has just revealed some tips for gamers to get the best out of the performance offered by Windows 11. In addition to the main news previously announced, big tech released this Friday (07) some tricks that can be done to optimize the execution of games on the operating system.

The tips require changes to sensitive areas of the software, so it is ideal that the instructions are followed exactly to prevent other functions from being compromised.

Disable the “Memory Integrity” feature

HVCI (Hypervisor Protected Code Integrity), also called “Memory Integrity”, is a native feature that utilizes the Virtualization Engine (VBS) to prevent malware attacks on the Windows kernel. This additional protection, on the other hand, can cause a slight reduction in the overall performance of the platform.

(Image: Screenshot/

Microsoft maintains transparency in stating that disabling “Memory Integrity” can expose the computer to risk, but it is a valid option for those who prioritize performance. To disable the feature, type “core isolation” in the Start menu and press “Enter”, or take the longer path described below:

Settings > Privacy & Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security > Device Security > Core Isolation Details

In the window, toggle the switch from “Memory Integrity” to “Off”.

Disable Windows Virtualization (VMP)

(Image: Screenshot/

To disable the Windows virtualization platform, it is necessary to access type “Windows features” in the Start menu and press “Enter”, or follow the path:

Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off

In the opened window, there will be a list with operating system features sorted alphabetically. Find and disable the “Virtual Machine Platform”. It may be necessary to reboot the device for the new setting to take effect.

Microsoft did not reveal details about the performance gains when performing the suggested settings on its official blog, but it is possible that it varies by title and the improvements are not that blatant. Another recommendation is to update Windows 11 to its 22H2 version, which brings a new HDR calibration app and more Xbox integration.

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Expert tech and gaming writer, blending computer science expertise