iX Workshop: Data Science entry with Python (Last call)

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ix workshop data science entry with python last call.png

Learn over two days how to analyze and visualize your company data using the Python Scientific Stack. Secure seats now!

The programming language Python is often called the Swiss army knife for data scientists. In the interactive iX online course Introduction to data analysis with Python: NumPy and Pandas, visualization, data literacy, Dr. Julian von der Ecken, senior data scientist and trainer at the consulting company Point 8, over two days how to use Python to derive previously hidden but strategically important insights from your own company data.

In this online workshop you will learn how Python scientific stack know and use: the standard libraries numpy for efficient computing with large amounts of data and pandas for working with tabular data as well as tools for plot and visualize of data. In many practical exercises you will have the opportunity to apply the new knowledge directly.

Also an introduction to machine learning with Python is part of the workshop. A brief overview of the basics of the language is provided at the beginning of the training to refresh your Python skills. If you’re new to Python, here’s a quick start.

The workshop is aimed at developers who want to get intensively involved in working with data and statistical methods. It will take place browser-based on August 16 and 17, 2022; Jupyter notebooks are available in the cloud for the practical exercises.

The course is limited to 20 people, leaving plenty of room for questions to the speaker and for exchange among each other. Another opportunity to participate in this workshop is in November 2022.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.