If you are going to give a cell phone for Christmas, you better do this before

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hombre hablando movil regalos.jpg

Talking on your cell phone while preparing Christmas gifts

Gift mobile devices for Christmas it is the order of the day. It’s a good time of year to surprise your child with his first smartphone or to buy your partner that high-end device he’s been resisting buying. Whoever you buy a cell phone for, keep in mind that there is something you will have to do before giving it to them.

A recently published report gives us interesting data about the mistakes that users make the most when it comes to Christmas and the use of technological terminals. For example, there are those who decorate the house and put too much tinsel around the router and this causes the speed to be reduced considerably. However, what we are talking about specifically is something different.

Update before anything

What experts say to do before it’s time to open gifts is something you may not have thought about: update your phone. Yes, as you hear it. And although at first it may sound a little strange, the truth is that it makes a lot more sense than we could imagine.

Girl using her new mobile phone at Christmas

Because, what happens when someone opens their gift and finds a cell phone inside? The first thing you do is open the box quickly and turn it on. And, at that moment, the updates begin. Although it all depends on the manufacturer and model, the most common thing is that the device has some pending versions of the operating system waiting to be installed. In certain cases it could only mean a few minutes of waiting, but in others the delay could be longer. Add to that another problem: how congested your WiFi connection can be at that time of night if you have guests at home and they are all hooked to the same connection (to which we should add the Smart TV or even the console if the children they are playing).

The study, which was carried out in the United Kingdom, highlights that 66% of British people do not prepare and it does not update the devices before giving them away, which ends up causing that bottleneck in the connections and when opening the gifts. In a home where several mobile phones, consoles, tablets or other types of tools that need to be updated are given as gifts, the process, when everything is carried out simultaneously, can slow down more than necessary.

But should you do it?

We don’t know what the traditions of the British are, but it strikes us that more than one member of our family would not take particularly well to the idea that we have touched his cell phone before giving it to him. Not only is it opening it and taking it out of the box to, for example, see that it is in good condition, but you are also turning it on and running it so that the updates are downloaded. This also means entering the WiFi connection data and, in general, having a first contact with the smartphone. Although it may not be something that is so worrying and is more accepted than we think. What do you think? Would you prefer that before giving you a new mobile phone as a gift, the person who bought it turned it on and set it to update? Or would you feel a little violent for not being the one who goes through that first process of interacting with the phone?

Friends update their phones while talking

As we said, this would apply to any type of terminal that requires updates. Imagine a console like PlayStation 5 that may arrive in your hands with a good handful of updates waiting to be installed. First, install the updates, then install the games and, in the end, it is more than likely that you fell asleep waiting from the Christmas feast.

The study also mentions that 59% of Britons make the mistake of putting up Christmas lights in the same instance as the router, causing another drop in speed. Adding each of these errors and the fact that everyone sends congratulations and memes, explains why the WiFi connection tends to be worse than expected at Christmas dinners. It would also be something to take into account in our case, because it is not the first time that on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve the connection provided by the router does not perform at the level we expected.

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