How to cancel sending an email with bad spelling

How to cancel sending an email with bad spelling
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It often happens that after sending a email, the user realizes that there is a misspelling in the body of the message, that’s why there is an update that allows us to correct that confusion.

gmail It will allow you to delete that email that has been sent to an incorrect recipient or whose content is not well written. This was one of the issues that the technology giant was working on to provide new options.

However, users will only have 30 seconds to regret sending the mail with an error.

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A send cancellation period of 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds may be selected. (NurPhoto/Getty Images)

A send cancellation period of 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds may be selected. (NurPhoto/Getty Images)

How to correct it

If you decide you don’t want to send an email, you have a short period of time to cancel sending it. Immediately after sending a message, you can undo the action.

Since, in the lower left corner, the notification “The message was sent” and the options “Undo” or “View message” will appear, and there you can click on the first option if you noticed an error.

You can also choose the amount of time available to retrieve a message after sending it. On the computer, in the upper right corner, users can click on “Setting”, and then “View all settings”. Next to “Undo send”, you can select a send cancel period of 5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds.

There's also the option to have Gmail check emails for spelling and grammar while you're composing.
There’s also the option to have Gmail check emails for spelling and grammar while you’re composing.

spell checker

For those who like extra help, there’s the option to have Gmail check emails for spelling and grammar while you’re composing. On the computer, you can click on “Settings” and at the top click on General.

There you can activate or deactivate the following tools: “Grammar”, “Spelling” and “Autocorrect”. When the email is being composed, a dotted line will appear temporarily in blue for grammar suggestions or red for spelling suggestions. To undo a change, you can click on the underlined word “Undo”.

It is important to note that the function is not available in all languages, for now it is in Spanish, Englishamong others.

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Gmail confidential mode

Gmail confidential mode

How to send messages with confidential mode

To perform this action, it is important to note that if you use Gmail with a work or educational institution account, you must contact the administrator to ensure that you can use the confidential mode.

On the computer, you can click on “Compose” and in the lower right corner of the window, you can click on “Activate” or “Deactivate” the confidential mode. You can also set an expiration date and a password.

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This setting affects both the text of the message and the attachments. If you choose “No SMS password”, recipients using the Gmail app will be able to open the message directly. Those who do not use this app will receive a password by email.

If you choose to choose “Password by SMS”, the recipients will receive a password by text message. “Make sure you enter the recipient’s phone number, not yours and Save,” Google said.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.