Five WhatsApp video calling tricks that not everyone knows: this is how you can master them

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five whatsapp video calling tricks that not everyone knows this.jpg

WhatsApp has included video calls for many years, but there are some functions that have gone unnoticed.

When WhatsApp saw the light, back in 2009, The idea of ​​its creators was to design an application with which to send texts between mobile phones of different brands without having to go through operators, which charged SMS at high prices in many countries. In fact, in some, such as the United States, the app did not have as much traction as in others because SMS were included in many rates, unlike in Spain. She was not the only one who tried, but she was the one who succeeded.

Little by little the application improved its features and adding new functions, although always at a rate well below what direct rivals such as Facebook Messenger or Telegram did, which has always been considered its great rival. This made using WhatsApp much easier than other applications, which in turn helped expand its popularity.

After the purchase of the app by Facebook, before being called Meta, things did not change much since the company led by Mark Zuckerberg was focused on other things, such as the Metaverse. However, the failure of this bet led the leaders to want monetize the goose that lays the golden eggs which was WhatsApp. That made the news skyrocket. and improvements to the application, some of them focused on video calls.

Video calling came to WhatsApp in 2016, two years after Meta’s acquisition of the company. Since then They have been adding functions that have gone unnoticed by many people, despite being quite useful. This article highlights the most interesting ones, without being far-fetched.

In 2017, with the launch of Android 8, Google introduced a function designed for those applications that played video, whether live or delayed. It was called Picture in Picture (Picture In Picture), and what it allowed was see in a floating window the video that we were watching on the mobile screen so we could interact with other applications.

PiP Option / Call Interface / Screen Sharing

Of course, you have to be aware that video call will activate the front camera, and that we will appear directly, in case we want to get ready beforehand, change rooms or go outside, for example. However, we can also turn off the camera during a video call, which will mean that the person you are talking to can be seen but they cannot see us.

The last function is the simplest: mute the microphone. It seems obvious but many people don’t know it and In group video calls this is especially necessarybecause the noise of several members at the same time can be annoying for people listening.

To mute the microphone we must click on the microphone icon, the one next to the red hang up button on the interface. To reactivate it we simply have to click on it.

These are the most useful functions when making a video call on WhatsApp, but there are other secondary ones. For example, when we start a call we have a slider with a person icon, which will activate the digital makeup, in case we want there to not be many imperfections on the face. Furthermore, like the microphone, we can temporarily turn off the camera. We can even do the video calls on a tablet or computer with WhatsApp web. WhatsApp video calls have evolved and improved, without hindering the user experience.

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