Dungeons & Dragons: movie gets scene with characters from Cave of the Dragon

Dungeons & Dragons: movie gets scene with characters from Cave of the Dragon
dungeons dragons movie gets scene with characters from cave.jpeg

Update (03/13/2023) – GS

We are getting closer and closer to the release of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Rebels, a new feature that adapts the iconic tabletop RPG games, and although Paramount Pictures has already released several trailers for the feature, the studio released this week an extended version of the scene in the labyrinth, where we can see our heroes being challenged by the villain Forge Fletcher.

Last year, some descriptions of scenes shown exclusively at events such as San Diego Comic-Con revealed that the feature would have the participation of the Cave of the Dragon animation team. With the release of the new scene, this description was confirmed.

As we can see, several teams of adventurers are trying to get through the labyrinth, among them, we have the team formed by Eric, Bobby, Presto, Hank, Diana and Sheila. Despite not formally introducing themselves, fans will recognize them right away.

Sadly, unicorn Uni isn’t part of the team and young Bobby seems to have been changed into a dwarf barbarian, but it’s great to see they finally get an official live-action adaptation. Hopefully, we’ll have a Dragon’s Cave movie in the future.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Rebels hits theaters on April 13.

Original text – 07/22/2022

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Rebels will have characters from Dungeon of the Dragon

Last Thursday (21), Paramount Pictures released the first trailer for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Rebels, a new film that adapts the iconic RPG game.

Although the Dungeons & Dragons franchise is extremely popular, many know it from the 80’s cartoon, which in Europe became known as “Dragon’s Cave”. If you’re one of those people, you’ll be happy to know that the cartoon characters will make a special appearance in the movie.

During its panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2022, Paramount Pictures screened an exclusive scene from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Rebels for event guests. In the scene, the group of heroes led by Chris Pine appears in an arena full of classic game monsters, where they must also face two other groups of heroes.

One of the rival groups was the Dragon’s Cave cartoon team. Based on the descriptions of those who watched the scene, it is not clear if the group was still made up of children and teenagers or if they were older versions of the characters.

The film’s story follows a charming thief and an unlikely band of adventurers who hatch an epic plan to recover a lost relic. But things go dangerously wrong when they meet the wrong people. The film brings the rich world and fun spirit of the legendary role-playing game to the big screen in a hilarious, action-packed adventure.

So, looking forward to seeing Uni, Sheila, Diana, Erik, Presto and company again?

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