Acer notebook does not recognize SSD for formatting. How to solve?

Local production: Acer launches Nitro 5 and Aspire 3 notebooks with Intel and AMD processors in Brazil
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If you have already picked up an Acer Notebook (in this article it is the Acer Aspire 5), when booting to install Windows and when formatting the HD, it does not appear to continue with the installation, as shown in the image below, here I will demonstrate in a practical and didactic way to solve this problem.

When turning on the notebook, as soon as the Acer logo appears, press the F2 key to enter the BIOS.

Inside the BIOS, we will go to the “Main” tab or “Principal” if it is in Portuguese. Notice that right below the “F12 Boot Menu” option there is a space and then other options.

When we press the “CTRL S” keys, two more options will appear, which are “VMD Controller” and “Touchpad”. The VMD (Volume Management Device) Controller is an SSD storage controller, thus restricting access. This option is located on Intel processors.

So, we will deactivate this option, and taking advantage, we will enable the “F12 Boot Menu”, which is a shortcut key to choose which device to start the system boot, pressing this key when the Acer logo appears when starting the computer, thus not needing Enter BIOS to change the boot order.

But, if you prefer to take advantage of the fact that the BIOS is appearing, with the pendrive connected when you turn on the PC, it will appear among the BIOS boot options, allowing you to choose it as the first boot option. And then, we will press the F10 key to save the BIOS changes and thus start the PC.

When booting from the pendrive (there’s my article here on PTI on how to create a bootable pendrive ), the Windows installation process will begin, where we will choose the language and keyboard layout, for those with “ç” (cedilha), you have to choose the ABNT2 and then click “Next”.


On the next screen, we will click on “Install now”.

The terms will appear, which we must accept and then click “Next”.


If the laptop does not already have a license, before the window below, it will appear which version of Windows to install and then ask for the license registration number so that we can go ahead and place the license when Windows is installed.

As there is already a Windows 10 license on the Intel chipset here, go straight to the next window as shown in the image below.

Then we will select the second option “Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)”

Now, the SSD will appear for installing the Operating System. As the system is already installed and we want to do a clean installation (from scratch), we will delete all partitions.

After deleting them all, it will look like the image below, with no partition created.

By selecting the drive and clicking on “New” and then clicking on “OK” it will create the necessary partitions for installing the Operating System. Note that the installation drive will already be selected.

Then we will click on “Next”.

Now yes, we are installing Windows from scratch.

In this article, the intention is to demonstrate how to solve the problem of SSD not appearing on an Acer Notebook.


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