YouTube Music gains pages with hashtags and less repetition on radio stations

YouTube Music gains pages with hashtags and less repetition on radio stations

YouTube Music has been updated with new features such as hashtag pages. Now, instead of being forwarded to a page that displays search results, choosing hashtags will open another that brings a selection of songs, videos and playlists.

Additionally, streaming has enhanced artist radio, suggesting more diverse and less repeated content🇧🇷 All mixes, including a new one dedicated to the Christmas theme, will have dynamic art in which it is possible to see a preview of which artists are included in the selection.

Improvements to YouTube Music announced (Image: 9to5Google)

YouTube Music subscribers can also enjoy a new onboarding experience that lets you search for favorite artists instead of just picking from a grid. Likewise, a “First Playlist” collection guides them through this creation process.

Google has confirmed the existence of a new playlist card that can appear in the homepage feed. This can replace shelves of curated playlists and directly list the first three songs with a row of buttons at the bottom to start playback and save.

The playback screen has also been updated, removing the “dislike” button. There’s also “single tap to stream” this month, which is the button that appears directly on the album cover.

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