Only with permission: WhatsApp launches option that limits who can join groups

Only with permission: WhatsApp launches option that limits who can join groups
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WhatsApp has already launched several new features such as the option to see which groups you have in common with your friends and now it will be possible to define who can join them or not. This option is rolling out today and will be available to group admins, preventing people from being added without approval.

This function brings a new menu in WhatsApp groups. There, admins will see Pending Participants, which are people who have been added by members of the group but still need approval to join the group.

Admins will still have the option to allow anyone to join the group or to limit it so that each addition is reviewed as in the image below.

Image: WhatsApp/Canaltech

The new feature will affect all users, whether they are added by the contact or who receive an invite link to a group.

According to Canaltech, both the option to view groups in common and to restrict people from entering groups will be made available to all WhatsApp users in the coming weeks.

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