The Income Tax draft on your Android: everything you need to consult and file the 2023 declaration

the income tax draft on your android everything you need.webp.webp.webp
the income tax draft on your android everything you need.webp.webp.webp

The Tax Agency will soon have the draft Income Tax available for each taxpayer. At the moment, it is not yet accessible through the app, but you can have everything ready for when the campaign starts: You only need the Tax Agency application and the digital certificate on your mobile. We teach you the steps to do it.

The Annual Income campaign is an important event for all of us who pay taxes; either because last year we contributed more and the Treasury has to pay us back to know what we have to pay to the administration. Even when we have doubts about whether or not we should check out: The consultation of the Treasury draft dispels all doubts. Furthermore, the one in question comes with new features: The 2023 Income Tax return can only be submitted online. The mobile is perfect.

Have the Tax Agency app ready for when the draft arrives

Tax Agency Draft

When the 2023 Income campaign is active, application access will change

He Income calendar 2023 maintains a series of steps well marked by specific dates. The first of these steps will take place at the beginning of next month: From April 3 you will be able to consult the draft, modify it and present it; either from the Tax Agency application or through the web. What you can do before that date is access your tax data and modify it in case there is an error: if you have to change it after submitting the draft, the Treasury may penalize you. Updated tax data will be available starting March 19.

Given that the sooner you submit the draft, the sooner you will collect it, at least in theory (the writer presented it at the beginning of the 2022 campaign and ended up collecting it almost in November), it is best that you have the application ready for when the campaign start. And, since you can carry out the entire process from your mobile, you need to have the Tax Agency application installed and an identification method. Our recommendation is that you download the digital certificate, it is what will give you the least headaches.

Download the digital certificate on your mobile, the Tax Agency app and install the certificate in the application: everything ready for Income Tax 2023

Downloading the digital certificate from your mobile phone is a matter of two minutes if you use your identity card: take advantage of the phone’s NFC and the electronic DNI.

How to install the digital certificate to identify yourself at the Tax Agency

This certificate will serve you the same whether you use the Tax Agency application or if you access the website using your Android. It’s a good idea to have it on hand because it will literally open many doors for you.

  • Download the FNMT application from Google Play in case you didn’t already have it installed.
  • Open FNMT and click on «Request digital certificate».
  • Select “DNIe Reading”.
  • Accept the terms and conditions of the FNMT, they are essential to request the digital certificate.
Fnmt Digital Certificate

  • Write your email address. It must be authentic, since the authorization code will arrive there.
  • Verify the process on your mobile with the code you received in the email, accept the next step and enter the CAN code of your ID. It appears in the lower right part of the front.
  • It is time to enter the PIN of the identity card. They should have given it to you in an envelope when you renewed your ID at the police station. And make no mistake: you have three attempts before the certificate is blocked.
  • Now comes the most delicate step: put the ID under the phone until the NFC connection is established and do not move the card while the reading is still active. It usually takes four or five seconds, you may even have to repeat several times.
Fnmt Digital Certificate

  • If the reading went well, and the PIN was correct, the process will be completed: confirm the shipment. The app will tell you that the digital certificate is in process, but it is probably already downloaded to your mobile.
  • Access the downloads folder on your Android and check that the digital certificate, a .p12 file identified with your name and surname, appears there.
  • Finally, return to the FNMT app, go to “Requests” and install the digital certificate. This way you will facilitate any procedure through the web browser, including any query to the Tax Agency page.

You will already have the digital certificate in the downloads folder of your mobile: with it you can access all the administration portals, including their apps. Including, of course, the Tax Agency application, which will allow you to consult the draft, modify it and present it, all without leaving your Android.

How to leave the Tax Agency app ready to consult the draft

Tax Agency Draft 1

Remember that The 2023 Income draft is not yet availableYes, you can consult the presentation of the 2022 Income Tax and other information related to the taxpayer, such as your census data (not the tax data, these will not be updated until next March 19). However, make sure that you already have the app operational and that, after installing the certificate in the application, you gain access to your taxpayer profile.

Let’s see the process once you have the digital certificate on your Android and the Tax Agency app perfectly installed.

  • Open the Tax Agency application and accept the privacy policy.
  • Go to “Income”.
  • Enter “Income 2022”. When this year’s campaign is active the message will change to “Renta 2023”.
  • Click on “Sign in” and click on “Electronic certificate”.
  • Choose “Add certificate” and select the certificate you obtained with the FNMT app from the downloads folder.
  • Enter the password with which you encrypted the file.
  • Your Android will have been registered as a device for your user. Click on “Continue”.
  • As the campaign is not currently active, you can only consult the user information and census data. The 2023 tax data will appear soon and you will be able to manage the draft from your mobile.

The next time you want to access you just need to follow the same steps and, instead of installing the digital certificate, All you have to do is click on your username. With the process you will save many steps in the future and you will have everything ready to present the draft as it becomes available. Remember: this will happen starting next April 3.

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Mubashir Hassan
Expert in tech and gaming, blending industry insights with expertise