Google Maps, where is my car: the new thing with Android Auto will prevent you from losing it after parking

google maps, where is my car the new thing with android auto will prevent you from losing it after parking
google maps, where is my car the new thing with android auto will prevent you from losing it after parking

The version of Google Maps for Android Auto has received a new function that will be especially useful in our car.

One of the essential apps in our car is, without a doubt, Google Maps for Android Auto . Integration with the car is one of the great advantages of this map app, including the creation of routes adapted to our engine or automatic radar warnings based on our location.

However, the Google Maps experience could be even better; And we must remember that the Android Auto version of this app is independent of the mobile app, and therefore, it does not have the same functionalities.


Fortunately, Google is working to implement all the features of Maps for Android, in Android Auto. The last example is one of the most useful functions that we can recommend if we have the app.

Parking on Google Maps

For some time now, the Google Maps app for Android has allowed us to mark our location as the parking place for our car; and now, 9to5Google has revealed that this feature is slowly coming to the Maps version of Android Auto. This is a new option that will appear when we reach the destination that we have marked on the route.

When we arrive at the destination and stop, the app will automatically welcome us to the place; Just below, we will see a new option to “save parking” . If we press it, Maps will remember the exact location where we left the car; When we return to this area, we just have to consult Google Maps on our mobile and we will see the place where the car is parked. In addition, Maps will also show us a reminder on our Android phone the next day, which will tell us where we had parked. As the information is synchronized with our account, it will be available on all devices where we have signed in with Google Maps, not just on Android Auto.

This location may not be completely precise, and may depend on the difference between the destination and the place where we finally parked; Even so, it can be the salvation for many drivers who do not remember the place where they left the car, especially if it is an area they do not usually visit.

At the moment, only some users have been able to use this new Google Maps functionality, but as usual, it is expected that it will gradually reach everyone.

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