If you have one of these versions of Windows you will not be able to use this popular program again

if you have one of these versions of windows you.jpg
if you have one of these versions of windows you.jpg

A gamer uses the mouse to play on her laptop

What was given for many users is over. Time passes and some versions of Windows They stop receiving support not only from Microsoft, but also from other companies. In this case we are talking about the loss of support that will occur in January 2024 of one of the most popular programs, one that has more than 69 million users per day.

The normal thing is that users have already updated to Windows 11 or, at the very least, that they are already using the Windows 10 operating system on their computer. This is normal and statistics say that most computers are already updated with a of these versions. But those who are still behind They will not be able to continue using Steam properly.

Steam cuts off the tap

It was to be expected that this would happen sooner or later given that the old versions of Windows are already being forgotten by most developers. But now it has been confirmed that Steam you will not receive any updates again nor support in versions for Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

Official Steam image with the logo and interface

Although in principle it should continue working, once official support ends on January 1, 2024, users who use these versions they will be left to their fate and at any moment they could find that the program no longer works for them. And, although it will still work for a while, without security updates or improvements, it is obvious that problems will not take long to appear.

What else does this imply?

Valve makes it clear on their website that they cannot guarantee that problems will not occur on computers with these versions of Windows, while also mentioning that users would do well to upgrade to an edition of the operating system more recent. But why is support for these versions of Windows being abandoned? One of the reasons that led the Steam company to make this decision is that it sees the situation as something obvious.

They keep in mind that Microsoft has already stopped security updates and support for these editions of Windows, so in a way, there’s not much sense to continue using them. After all, with Windows 7 or Windows 8 you are totally exposed to security problems and attacks that can target your computer, so it is not highly recommended to use a computer with these systems. For Steam, given what we have seen, it was logical to make this change.

A Microsoft laptop updated to Windows 11

In addition to this, they also talk from Valve about how they have to cut support because there are some elements of the main operation of the tool that depend on Chrome and it is something that does not work in these old versions. Another reason they provide is that the Steam client needs, to work, some of the Windows updates that are only available starting from version 10. Therefore, it was a matter of logic that the time would come when they would withdraw support for the old versions of Windows that we mentioned a little above.

Users who still have an old version of Windows should take a look at the possibilities they have to upgrade to Windows 11. There is a website that you can visit here where Microsoft will indicate if your computer is upgradeable to Windows 11 or if you do not have the ability to do so. This way you could also know if you would have to settle for Windows 10 or if your computer is already too old to access these versions. In any case, the important thing is that, one way or another, you leave the classic editions of Windows behind and upgrade to one of the current ones.

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Expert tech and gaming writer, blending computer science expertise