SwiftKey for Android gets updated with Unicode 15 emojis and new theme

SwiftKey for Android gets updated with Unicode 15 emojis and new theme
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Microsoft has updated its SwiftKey Keyboard app on Android to introduce new features to enhance the user experience.

After the update, SwiftKey will stay in version Unicode 15 emojis and a new keyboard theme.

The Swiftkey keyboard now supports Unicode 15 emojis. If you have a supported device, you can choose and use them in your conversations directly from the in-app keyboard on Android. In the Unicode 15 standard, 31 new emojis are added, if you count all the skin tone variations.

There is also a new keyboard theme in the latest SwiftKey update, titled “Fluent Adaptive”. It can be found in the app’s Themes settings. You’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the themes section to find it. Then just select it to apply it to your current keyboard layout.

It is worth noting that the new application update does not bring bug fixes or performance improvements. In the official description, it is only mentioned the addition of the Fluent Adaptive theme and support for the Unicode 15 standard emojis.

Breeding: Neowin.

The Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard can be downloaded directly to your Android phone via the Google Play Store. You can also go directly to the download page by clicking here.

The SwiftKey app was created in 2008 by Jon Reynolds and Ben Medlock. Its main highlight was its accurate handwriting prediction system based on artificial intelligence, reacting to how users write.

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