We tested the Xiaomi app on Android TV that brings more than 200 free channels to your TV

Categories Mitv
we tested the xiaomi app on android tv that brings

More and more proposals join Pluto TV on Smart TV to offer streaming television content, live and for free beyond the regular DTT broadcast channels. And one of these is MiTv+, a Xiaomi app that was initially only on the brand’s televisions and has been spreading in recent months.

His last landing was on TVs with Android TV, downloadable from Google Play itself. An app that, although it is true that its ratings are low, has improved in recent months and in our experience we have noticed that it is quite fluid and error-free. We detail below the highlights that we have concluded after the tests.

This is how MiTV+ works on a TV with Android TV/Google TV

There are three aspects of MiTV + that, at least initially, we find very positive: its fast installation, access without registering and find 100% free content. In this aspect it is very similar to the aforementioned Pluto TV and in fact it is very similar in its interface, but it is far from the list of channels and in not offering content on demand.

Although we did not want to overlook the privacy issue of this app. In fact, as soon as we open it we find a complete report about the data that it is going to collect. Among them, there is a list of different entities associated with the channels that will be able to analyze our use of the television for commercial purposes. It is not something new in this type of apps, but it is always convenient to keep it in mind.

Categories Mitv

According to the app navigation, to say that it does not concern any mystery. A list of categories appears on the left in which the different channels are grouped, having all these groups:

  • In Spanish
  • New
  • News
  • Cinema
  • Education
  • Music
  • Games
  • Lifestyle
  • Sports
  • Fun
  • Comedy
  • Sciences
  • Childish
  • Crime
  • All
There are more than 200 channels on MiTV+, some of which are very interesting, but most of them are in English, with very few in Spanish.

Obviously, both in the “In Spanish” section and in “New” and “All” we find repeated channels. However, this application does not stand out due to the lack of channels, but rather the opposite. At the time of publishing this post, the MiTV+ application has about 250 channels, although most are in English. Of all of them you will be able to consult the programming grid on the right side of the interface, in a horizontal timeline with the start and end times of each program.

mitv channel

Among all these channels, Thematic channels especially stand out with musical content or renowned newscasts, especially in the United States, as is the case with Bloomberg TV. However, we insist on emphasizing that most of them are in English, being a good excuse to learn if you do not master the language of Shakespeare, but being a reason to keep away those who only want to see content dubbed or in native Spanish.

In our opinion, and at least aimed at the Spanish public and taking into account that there are channels in this language, we believe that it is an app that less profit will be made than in other like the again mentioned Pluto TV or Rakuten TV. Now, the fact that this app has recently been extended to Android TV suggests that more content may arrive in the future.

Removing the aspect of privacy, the application works very well on Android TV, even standing out for the fluidity it presents when moving around the interface.

Regarding the operation of the application itself, and returning to the matter of its poor evaluations, we must say that we have not found any performance problems. The access and navigation to the app is good, with loading times practically non-existent. And the same thing happens when putting on a broadcast, since it loads instantly and we have not noticed cuts in playback, although we understand that this will also depend on the speed of the Internet connection on each television.

mitv appearance

However, some elements are missing typical of applications of this type. And the thing is that you won’t be able to, for example, change the resolution of the broadcast and it will automatically adjust to the speed of your connection, which is fine, but occasionally it can be useful to be able to change it manually.

However, always considering the conditions of use, we believe that it is worth recommending. After all, there is nothing more subjective than tastes in content such as series, movies and programs. Taking into account that the app is free you lose nothing by trying it and obtain your own verdict, being able to certify (or not) if the judgment we make in our assessment is more or less close to your experience.

MiTV+: Watch live TV and more

MiTV+: Watch live TV and more

  • Price: Free
  • Developer: MitvAPPs
  • Download at: google play

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.